To become a member:
All juniors and seniors with 3.75 QPA and higher are invited to submit a candidate information sheet for review by our 5 member faculty council. Not all candidates are initially accepted.
Invitations are sent through student email in late September/early October, as well as again in late January/early February, giving students multiple chances to be selected for membership.
- Please Review "What to KNOW about NHS Before Submitting for Membership"
Invitations to be considered for Spring 24 were sent through student email Feb 13, 2024. If you have not received an invitation, but believe you should have, contact bonistallimr@svsd.net before March 1. If you miss this induction cycle, please check your email once a week in the fall for the next opportuniy.
***Check your student email weekly in late September/early October or late January/early February when we conduct our Fall and Spring invitation cycles. If you have not received an invitation, and believe you should have because you have a QPA of 3.75 or higher, contact bonistallimr@svsd.net BEFORE the second week in October or February
Students who are declined for membership in a particular cycle will have an opportunity to resubmit a candidate information sheet every semester their QPA qualifies them to be invited.
Invitations are sent to all Juniors & Seniors with at least a 3.75 QPA .
Notification for acceptance/decline will also be sent through student email.
National Honor Society is a group of students that exemplify the organization's
four pillars of: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character
Twice a year, junior and senior students with QPAs of 3.75 and above are invited
to submit a candidate information sheet for membership consideration.
to submit a candidate information sheet for membership consideration.
5 anonymous faculty council members view the information sheets and determine if students show enough leadership in activities
and service to their community to be inducted into this exceptional group of students
and service to their community to be inducted into this exceptional group of students
For More Information, please contact Mrs. Megan Bonistalli at bonistallimr@svsd.net