Ryan Gloyer Middle School (7-8) Track and Field Home Page
Parents can now join the RGMS Track and Field Remind Group - Please do NOT join both Remind groups. There are only a limited number of spots in a "Remind" group, so we ask that only one parent per family sign up, and if you have athletes in both 7th and 8th grade, please join only one group. Thank you!
7th Grade Parents: Text @7rgmstf25 to 81010
8th Grade Parents: Text @8rgmstf25 to 81010
Welcome to the Seneca Valley Middle School Track and Field Program. We are very proud of our student athletes. We encompass both male and female athletes from grades seven through twelve. With the emphasis of the Raider Program on winning through participation, every athlete that is part of our team competes in each home meet. Every athlete contributes to our team and the success of our program. You don't have to be the best, just give your best!
Track and Field is one of the few team sports that depends on individual performance. Each of our student athletes compete against other schools and against themselves. Each athlete can look back on their performances with a sense of pride and accomplishment as an individual and with their team.
The Middle School Raider Track and Field averages over 175 athletes each season. As a middle-school program, we are thrilled to be a part of the development of some of the district's best athletes.
The Seneca Valley Raider Track and Field program strives to bring out excellence in our student athletes and, as the Seneca Valley School District motto states, we are:
General Information & Requirements for Participation (Spring 2025):
7th Grade Orientation/Information Meeting Date: Friday - January 31st During Flex
8th Grade Orientation/Information Meeting Date: Monday - February 3rd During Flex
Parent Informational Meeting (Virtual): TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH - 7:00 PM - Meeting will take place via Zoom
Link to Meeting:
4 Step Sign-up Process
START HERE: Spring Sport Participation Information
STEP 1) Student Must be Registered for Spring Track and Field on the Seneca Valley Portal.
Step 2) Concussion Baseline and Drug Testing: February 5th or February 19th from 2:45 to 5:15 at the Senior High School.
Link to Form: Drug Testing Consent Form
Step 3) Physicals Forms - Due: February 22nd by 3 PM in the ATHLETIC OFFICE in Senior High School
If this is the FIRST sport for the Athlete this year: Physical Forms
If the athlete participated in a Fall or Winter Sport: Section 7-8 Re-certification
Step 4) Coach's Sign Up Form and Information Survey (Requires parent signature) DUE: February 21 (Must Drop Signature form in Mailbox outside Mr. Dickey's room - 210)
Link to Sign Up/Signature Form: Click Here
Link to Survey: Click Here
Season Begins: March 3
Practice Schedule:
Starting March 3rd, we practice everyday after school from 2:50 - 5:00 until our season ends. The activity bus departs campus at 5:15.
Additional Information
Booster Fee DUE: (No set Date) - $40 - This fee covers the cost of a T-Shirt and the year-end party!
Payment Link - Click Here
or try this link:
Extra Clothes/Spirit Wear - Online Orders will be available (DATES TO BE DETERMINED) at 11:59 PM:
Note on Uniforms: We will provide the athlete with a team jersey, but the athletes are responsible for having a pair of black shorts or pants to complete the uniform. While Middle School Track and Field is more lenient than the Varsity level, we need to do our best to make sure we are following the established uniform rules. Guidelines for the pants/shorts are described on our booster webpage: SV Track & Field Boosters - Uniform Guidelines
Picture Day - March 19th (Beginning of Practice) Athletes will need to come to practice dressed in uniform for pictures. Bring extra clothes to change into for practice.
Link to Picture Form: (Not available at this time)
Pay to Participate Form and Fee DUE: Friday, March 14 **** DO NOT PAY THIS FEE UNTIL YOU ARE SURE THE ATHLETE WILL BE PARTICIPATING (Submit to the Athletic office in the Senior High School)
Link to form: Pay-to-Participate Form
First Scrimmage: TBD